2019 is ending and I’m entering my 23rd year living on this planet… (pt.2)

2 min readDec 29, 2019


I think 2020 will be the cornerstone of my career and personal life and I’m going to lay bare my goals and strategies.

Business-wise I want to close a new funding round to propel Neuron and Hipotesa Media to achieve 1M subscribers and create Ventura — some sort of Indonesia’s version of The Verge/Business Casual — on YouTube. I believe when we’re established on multiple social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram building a website will be more meaningful. At the same time building proven revenue streams.

Aside from business, I want to be a better person and I believe I can be better through writing and speaking. In short, being articulated means being a better person. Here’s the list:

  • I’m going to write at least five articles per week. It doesn’t matter even if it’s a draft-like article or anything below. The point being is to write and force me to articulate my thoughts. And I will release the article on Medium and by the end of 2020, the bare minimum articles written should be 260.
  • I am going to be more conscious regarding my content consumption. I’m only going to follow valuable content on Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. I will even sort out my daily readings.
  • I’m going to work on my side projects: KK Cast and Cerita Karuniyado. I think recording one’s voice, editing it, and publishing it will make a difference because there’s this constant reminder “Someone will listen to this podcast thus I have to make it better!”
  • I don’t like where I’m now whenever I evaluate my social media presence.

