
A Retry in Writing



The Beauty of Writing

Writing. I am always fascinated by the beauty of writing as it is the moment when a person articulates their own thoughts.

Writing is the moment when we understood how challenging it is to straighten our thinking, matching our vision with specific words and phrases and organizing the structure to ensure clarity. At the same time, it is the moment when we uncover what is inside our mind.

On a bigger scale, writing can change the world. It literally can change the world’s trajectory. For example when Avicenna wrote Canon of Medicine or when Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nation or when you published your life’s work!


My fascination starts when Jordan Peterson articulated the importance of writing in the most elegant way

If you think, speak, and write, you are absolutely deadly. Nothing can get in your way. So, that’s why you learn how to write. And if you can formulate your arguments coherently and make a presentation, if you can speak to people, if you can layout a proposal, God! People will give you money, give you opportunities. — Jordan Peterson (JBP)

And it is absolutely true! The very reason and the only reason why we got “Yes” from people is that we convinced them we are the right fit. It also becomes truer when seeing how everything gets noisier every day and to differentiate our voice is through coherency.


Hence, I am starting to write. Again. And I hope this will be the last time I have to retry writing as I want to be more articulated.

So, welcome to my blog. This is the place where I pour whatever I deemed will provide the biggest value all the while crowdsourced criticism to you, dear reader.

