Feeling Stuck…

2 min readDec 6, 2020



With a simple web search, we can find that stagnation means “the state of not moving or flowing.” Which I don’t think applies to everyone at all. Every year — probably even every day —everyone is facing something new in their life.

Biologically, everyone is getting older hence everyone is living life with a different body. While by the situation, everyone is facing the ups and downs in their life — especially 2020 where “The VID” happened.

Yet despite such differences feeling “stuck” happened. And for me, it just grew stronger.

For me, it just grew stronger

Different year, different birthday, yet the same feeling… stagnation. (Probably I could add loneliness to the equation, but let’s save it for later.)

And in 2020 this feeling of stagnation is the strongest I’ve ever felt. I don’t feel like I’m growing, I feel like I’m doing the same-old-same-old and I felt there is nothing new in my life this year.

Obviously, when stagnation hits I felt the notorious “I hate myself” thoughts and emotions. And I believe you, dear reader, that this kind of feeling is a familiar thing to you.

— I say this not in a bad way, rather I want to tell you that you are not alone and a simple Google search will yield more than 12mn results discussing “the feeling of stagnation.” —

Furthermore, the feeling of stagnation makes me see my life as a simple repetition which leads to the creation of the belief that “It is highly likely I am going to die with tons of regrets for not being able to enjoy what life has to offer.” Robin Sharma says it well: “Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.”

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.”

So, how do I handle this?

To handle the “feeling of stagnation” I am making end of year (EoY) presentation or “deck.” This is to ensure I am thoroughly and objectively assess my 2020 and compares it with my 2019. I believe this is a good enough solution.

And I think you should try it.

